Hi, I am Lauryn Walton

Your new personal service dog doula consultant

Who I am What I do

Hello and welcome

A service dog — whether it’s yours or someone you know’s — can very quickly throw life into all kinds of disarray.

Especially if you’re getting a puppy.

Especially, especially this is your first time trying to train a service dog.

And if it’s your first time with a puppy at all? Woo, boy. Hold onto your seats.

I can say this because, like many first-time handlers, that was me. I’d had a dog when I was younger, but “3+ year old lab” and “brand new puppy” are two very different things, and when you have put the mental pressure of becoming a service dog onto this puppy, that can very quickly become frustrating and stressful — and stress very much does not help your health.

That’s where I come in as a service dog doula. I act as a sounding board and help you work on your stress and the challenges you’re facing. I help you look at the road map (Six Feet to Independence) and how to prepare for the challenges ahead.

I do not train dogs (but I can either recommend one or help you avoid the bad ones)

Get Your Treat

Everyone wants the short cut, even service dog owners like you.

So I created a quick cheat sheet with the top 10 lessons I’ve wished I’d known before embarking on my own service dog journey… and it’s yours at no cost, when you click the button below:

What I can do for you

"I don’t know where to start"

“I’m going to get a service dog.”

…What happens, now?

That question can be extremely daunting. When you start to try and find the answers to those questions, it can feel like there’s no answers to find.

Things are going to change–what’ll life look like with a service dog? What have you not thought of? How should you prepare for a dog? How do you pick a dog? Is a trainer necessary?

These are questions that are answered in the book Six Feet to Independence, which you can purchase by clicking the button below.

Someone I Know is Getting a Service Dog; How Does This Impact Me?

Someone in your life is taking a big step and making a big commitment to their independence.

…where does that leave you? What’s expected of you? How does your life change? What are the rules about the dog for you?

Let’s sit down for a fifteen minute video call. You’ll be able to talk with someone who is both a handler and a family member of a handler.

It Feels Like I‘m Alone in This; I Can’t Take it

Feeling like you’re trying to break a path on your own only makes a hard journey harder.

There’s a simple help in sitting down with someone who has been where you are and can commiserate. Let’s schedule a video call and reinvigorate you on this path. Take the energy bar that’ll help you get to the next campsite on this journey.

The path can feel long, but distances become shorter when you’re travelling with others.

I Didn‘t Know What I was Getting into, and I’m Tempted to Quit

Jumping into a pool you thought was a foot deep to realize it’s actually ten feet down is terrifying, even when you know how to swim. It’s even worse if it’s your first time swimming.

Getting into the service dog journey without knowing how deep that hole goes is the same way. It can be overwhelming and feel like you’re not going to be able to make it out alive.

You’re not the only one who has been there. The idea of quitting has had an alure to many others, as well. Let me help you look at every option and decide if quitting really is the right answer, or if you’re just overwhelmed. If you are, let’s find a way to lighten your load and make the journey fun, again.

I Need a Trainer

You can learn to swim on your own. You can learn to bike, skate, or do gymnastics on your own. But having a trainer speeds up the process and diminishes the chances of things going wrong. Training a dog works the exact same way.

Service Dog Doula is not a training program, but we’re happy to give you insights as to red and green flags. We work with those who do not have trainers, but we work best with those who do.

I Just Have Questions About Service Dogs in General

There are so many people out there that just have questions about service dogs. When you don’t know someone with a service dog, where do you go to get those questions answered? Right here!

Sign up for a fifteen minute video call with a service dog handler that is willing to answer all the questions you might have.

You should also know…

You can download the 10 Lessons I Wish I Knew Cheat Sheet at no cost by simply emailing the receipt of your book to ServiceDogStory @ gmail .com

DOG Training:

Dog's face in front of blurred holiday lights

Keep your tail wagging–service dogs & holidays

Most of us know the winter holidays as "merry and bright," but this isn't always the case. For many, the winter holidays can be extremely stressful. And for those who have service animals*, that stress can come in an uncommon form, despite the…
Pile of gifts with colorful ribbons against a white background.
Small, black and white dog on its back in a pile of bone-shaped dog treats with its eyes closed
Woman confused as to what a sign means and covering her head with a book. The sign is a pawprint with a heart inside it.

Get in touch now

Follow me on social media, sign up to get updates and freebees, or sign up for a one-time service dog doula session to sit down and get your questions answered live!